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Break the spell

Screen Smart generates micro-breaks that let your child stop the addictive behavior of the screen

Make screen time smarter

By providing learning challenges your child will develop new skills and get more meaningful screen time

Eliminate screen guilt

Our reward mechanic will stop the fights over screen time and help parents to create healthy screen habits for their child

Become Screen Smart!

The first app that helps struggling parents worldwide solve the problem with too much screen time for their kids by applying meaningful breaks that smash the spell of the digital world.

Screen Smart is available on Google Play

Do you want more meaningful screen time for your child?

Make Screen Time Smarter!

We want to simplify parenting by adding meaningful breaks to kids screen time. We introduce healthy friction that even the odds in the battle of attention while also teaching Math, English, Patience and more.

How It Works?

Download Screen Smart on your child’s phone
Create your child’s account
Target Apps
Select subjects and time reward
Become Screen Smart!

Eliminate screen addiction

A word from our founders

Our Vision Manifesto: A Call to Re-introduce Healthy Friction

Deep down, we all know that a frictionless world is not something to aim for.

Eating whole wheat is friction. Lifting weights is friction. Studying a problem is friction. All those things make us stronger. A frictionless world makes us miss opportunities to learn and grow. And despite this, all of the world's tech companies are applying their best brains to remove friction in digital consumption.

To make us more impulsive, less reflective, and less independent.

We are here to call on you to join the movement to reintroduce healthy friction to digital consumption. Starting with those who need it the most and are the most vulnerable - our children, our future.

It took 30 years for frictionless, fast foods to be labeled unhealthy. Let us not wait 30 years to get frictionless screen addiction under control.

Get In Touch

We believe that we can't solve this problem on our own, so we are now looking for families to collaborate with so that we can build the best possible product that fits your needs.

By telling us about your situation you will help us tackling the problems that matters for you. Drop a sentence or two below and we will get back to you soon.

Thanks for submitting!

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